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understanding the impact of parkinsons disease

The Dual Battle: Parkinson’s Impact on Mind and Body

Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand.
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Understanding dementia

Understanding the Impact of Dementia on the Elderly: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of dementia, especially its impact on older adults, thus shedding light on the intricacies of dealing with ...
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older adults mental health bipolar disorder

Exploring Bipolar Disorder in the Elderly

Afflicting around 10% of skilled nursing facility residents, bipolar disorder is a chronic illness associated with severe mood swings, including periods of mania and depression. ...
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Comforting girl grieving grandparent

Grief after loss of a loved one

A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Grief is a natural process we all experience when losing someone we love. It can be a painful ...
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diabetes and older adults

Why is diabetes more common in the elderly?

Diabetes is a growing concern in the elderly population, with studies showing an increased prevalence of this disease. Learn why diabetes is more common in ...
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Osteoporosis in elder people

Why is Osteoporosis a concern for elderly people?

The fragile and brittle bones of Osteoporosis can easily lead to fractures, creating a greater risk for individuals with the condition. As we get older, ...
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Parkinsons Disease

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease

Learn more about Parkinson's Disease - a progressive neurological disorder caused by the loss of cells in the brain producing dopamine, leading to tremors, stiffness, ...
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Signs of a stroke

What are the 5 stroke symptoms?

Table of Contents What causes a stroke? A stroke occurs when part of the brain receives an inadequate blood supply. As we age, our arteries ...
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caring for elder parents

5 Tips to Help Your Elderly Parents

Living alone in our homes can often become challenging as we age. Elderly parents or grandparents need extra help and support as they age. Luckily, ...
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Dementia friendly services

10 tips to make a home Dementia-friendly

1. Create a dementia-friendly bedroom Your loved one’s bedroom should be adapted to reflect their needs and interests and allow them independence within familiar surroundings. ...
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